Saturday, March 24, 2018

Water Cycle Presentation

Did you miss our water cycle presentation in class? Do you just need to review the information? Here's the link: Water Cycle Presentation

Science Links for Curious Minds

  • Education Science Fair Ideas for Middle Schoolers Needs a science fair idea? This website has TONS of suggestions! Don't just stop on page keeps going and going...
  • Dr. Joe Schwartz is my favorite scientist/author. He's written some great books about "separating sense from nonsense".
  • Bill Nye the Science Guy! I watched his show when I was a kid, and he's still making science cool.
  •  National Weather Service has more information that you probably ever need, but it's super fascinating! 
  • Science Toys Bored? This site has ideas for making science toys with stuff you have around the house.
  • Indiana DNR science, nature, and enjoying the outdoors are a few of my favorite things!
  • Project Wet water-focused conservation education--scroll down for a couple of interactive activities.
  • Science News for Students lots of interesting articles for kids, on tons of topics.
  • Hubble Telescope Images simply amazing photos taken from the Hubble Space Telescope.

Do you have a favorite science link? Share it in the comments and tell what you like about it!

Dr. Joseph Schwartz: My favorite contemporary scientist!

One of my favorite scientists around is Dr. Joe Schwartz. His background is in chemistry and he is currently the Director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society. He also writes books and publishes a podcast. His books and podcasts are FULL of fascinating information. He often takes a topic that is making the news and breaks it down in a way that anyone can understand, and I think that makes science even MORE interesting and applicable to our lives. 

If you're interested in this type of thing, I'd start with the book Dr. Joe and What You Didn't Know. Each chapter is very short and stands alone, so you can read it as quickly or as slowly as you'd like. The chapter in which he discusses the role of dirt in treating tuberculosis was particularly fascinating to me! 

If you'd rather listen to Dr. Joe, he publishes a podcast called The Dr. Joe Show in which he delves into science-based topics, answering questions and making the science easy to understand. How does the Paleo diet work? What is the science behind GMOs and should we avoid them in our food?

If you are on Facebook, you can follow Dr. Joe there as well. He will sometimes comment on science topics in the news, as well as provide updates when new podcast episodes or books come out. 

Who is your favorite scientist? Share your thoughts in the comments! 

Water Cycle Presentation

Did you miss our water cycle presentation in class? Do you just need to review the information? Here's the link: Water Cycle Presentatio...